
Why have you chosen this topic?

  • One of the holy grail questions of cerebellar research is “what does the cerebellum do?”.
  • Many theories have been proposed attempting to answer this question. However, there has been a lot of focus on the cerebellum in its mature (adult) form, but not as much on the developing cerebellum.
  • Given our interest in the cerebellum as a powerful computational structure that subserves functions associated with cognition, language, social and emotional processes, it seems like an oversight to ignore the cerebellum during a particularly interesting period of development: the prenatal period.
  • We should care about the prenatal period for the following reasons:
    • Cerebellum has a protracted development, which means that it does not mature until about the 11th postnatal month
    • It is very sensitive to perturbation during this period resulting from teratogenic influences
    • There is recent evidence that discusses the unique genetic landscape of the developing cerebellum and how disruptio during these sensitive periods affects later developmental outcomes
  • Some of the theories of cerebellar function may be better understood through the lens of the developmental period rather than the mature adult brain
  • Cerebellar damage has very different outcomes depending on the stage of development and this affects how we interpret the cerebellum’s involvement in different cognitive functions.
  • Take social cognition as an example: review research on posterior fossa syndrome


General Introduction

  • What this review will highlight is how cerebellar maturation during the prenatal period shapes later developmental outcomes, with a specific focus on social cognition
  • Highlighting papers in the past two years that bring this topic to attention, using different methodologies, from animal models to neuroimaging.

How does the cerebellum develop?

  • Focus on connectivity with the cerebral cortex
  • Transcriptomics development
  • End with protracted development of cerebellum

Sensitive period of prenatal cerebellar development

  • How this period shapes later development (what happens when things go wrong)

Cerebellar development + prematurity

  • How prematurity affects later outcomes (specific focus on the cerebellum)

Cerebellum and abnormal social development

  • Cortico-cerebellar connectivity and social cognition
  • Abnormal cerebellar development in ASD

Cortico-cerebellar connectivity from infancy to adulthood

  • Why is cerebellar injury result in mild cognitive symptoms in adults but severe in children?
  • What theories of cerebellar function explain the cerebellum’s role in infancy and adulthood?

Future Directions / Outstanding Questions

  • Summary and Outlook