Fall22 Onboarding

First Steps

  • Add your name to the team’s website through a pull request here
  • Request access to gablab slack, look for workspace Gablab, request access, once you have joined, search for channel #satralab

Group Meetings

  • These are optional. You can attend remotely or in person.
  • Sensein group meetings (PI: Satra Ghosh): Tuesdays from 1-3pm in rm 46-tbd, zoom link
  • Gablab group meetings (PI: John Gabrieli): Fridays from 12-1pm in rm 46-5193, zoom link

Work Expectations/Preferences

  • 10-12 hours per week (daily schedule is up to you)
  • Weekly updates on Friday mornings detailing (bullet point list): what you’ve done, what you’re planning, any questions/blockers
  • You can work in-person (46-5094) or remotely, whichever you wish.
  • Bimonthly meetings (or weekly if you prefer) - could do one hour meetings every two weeks or 30 min meetings every week
  • End of semester write-up: present summary of what you researched at the end of the semester
  • Fill out mentorship agreement within 15 days of starting

Reading Papers (most relevent for Role 2)

  • Do you use a reference management software: paperpile, mendeley etc?

  • This project draws on multiple fields, therefore the literature review will be at the intersection of neuroimaging methods, translational neuroimaging, neuropsychiatric disorders, and development.

  • For tips on writing a good research paper (should also be helpful in reading papers too), see Mensch & Kording’s paper.

  • For guidelines on how to quickly and efficiently read a research paper

  • questions you can ask yourself as you’re reading a paper

Reading a research paper

Getting oriented to the project

  • Brief overview of the project can be found here - includes links to papers that are relevents
  • some terminology and an overview of precision medicine (or pHealth) that you may find useful and some ethical considerations related to precision medicine
  • One goal of your work will be to identify research that is relevent to the current project, and to draw on existing literature to generate questions that are pertinent to current project
  • one starting place will be to review articles that use the healthy brain network dataset.

Technical Onboarding (most relevent for Role 1)

Doing Research

  • Shell, git and other useful skills: https://missing.csail.mit.edu/
  • python, stats, machine learning, deep learning, nlp: Daniel’s resources here

OpenMind: cluster where we store data and run scripts

  • Request openmind account + do course to get access and post certificate on OpenMind github
    • Account Request Example: Attn @s-b,@djarecka: “maedbh maedbh@mit.edu” PI: Satrajit Ghosh
    • Verify which groups you’re part of on openmind by typing groups: you should see om_sig and gablab. om_sig is Satra Ghosh’s group and gablab is John Gabrieli’s group.
  • Follow instructions on openmind setup for getting starting on openmind (cloning repo etc.)
    • openmind website: this provides generic pointers to various elements of openmind, the link to FAQs is particularly useful.

GitHub repo

  • Repo for healthy_brain_network project - accept collaborator invite.
