Healthy Brains Network
Healthy brains
The Child Mind Institute has launched the Healthy Brain Network, an ongoing initiative focused on creating and sharing a biobank comprised of data from 10,000 New York City area children and adolescents (ages 5-21).
- Population: ages 5-21, children who likely have one or more psychiatric symptoms
- Data collected:
- MRI + fMRI: movies (~10 min), predictive eye estimation regression - 3444 participants
- Phenotypic assessment - 4080 participants
- Physical activity
- Behavioral measures (questionnaires)
- Family structures (stress, trauma)
- Substance use/addiction
- Cognition and language tasks
- Disorder-specific questionnaires
- Electroencephalography
- Digital Voice and Video Recordings
- Genetics
- Actigraphy
- Cognitive Tasks (e.g., sequence learning), naturalistic stimuli
- Eyetracking: pupil dilation and eye position
Data Storage
- Which data are on openmind?
- Imaging (rest, naturalistic)
- Demographic info
- Cognitive/Behavioral results
- Clinical disorders
- What is the format?
- raw, derivatives
- Which releases are available?
- currently there are 10 releases of HBN imaging and phenotypic data
- Have imaging data been preprocessed?
- fmriprep (no)
- freesurfer (no)
- first-level glms (no)
- MRI data have been preprocessed using Mindboggle and are available in S3 under the directory
- There is also a subset of HBN data that contain task information available here
- Where are the data stored on openmind?
- are these data being transitioned to datalad?
- How does a new user get access to the dataset?
- anyone with gablab group permissions should be able to access the data
MRI and fMRI Data Preprocessing
- Use xcp-D package to do post-processing of resting state data (basically picks up where fMRIPrep left off)
- This package also works on outputs from minimially preprocessed HCP data
Data on Openmind
- Phenotypic and behavioral data are stored here:
- HBN BIDS data are here:
- HBN derivatives are here:
- derivatives include: fmriprep_23.0.0, xcp_d_0.4.0rc2