Neurodevelopment and Translational Neuroimaging

Much of the points below came from a article by Siugzdaite et al. (2020)


  • 14-30% of children/adolescents live with a learning-related problem, associated with cognitive/behavioral problems. examples of these disorders are dyslexia, dyscalculia, language disorders. other diagnses related to neurodevelopmental disorders are adhd, asd.
  • how does the developing brain give rise to disorders?
  • there has been a lot of inconsistency in ascribing a range number of brain regions to individual neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • for example: adhd has been associated with grey matter differences within ACC, caudate nucleus, pallidum, striatum, cerebellum, PFC, premotor cortex etcs.
  • why does this inconsistency exist? diagnostic groups are highly heterogeneous and overlapping and symptoms vary a lot within categories. there is no “purity” of developmental disorders.
  • solution: transdiagnostic approach?
    • What is transdiagnostics?
    • Identifying underlying symptom dimensions that span multiple diagnoses.
    • for example, within neurodevelopmental learning disorders, primary focus is on identifying cognitive symptoms that underpin learning.
  • another reason for inconsistent brain-to-cognition mappings: they do not exist!
    • equifinality: there could be many possible neural routes to the same cognitive profile or disorder
    • multifinality: the same local neural deficit could result in multiple different cognitive symptoms across individuals.
    • these concepts have not yet been translated into analytic approaches.

Goal of the study

  • take a transdiagnostic approach to establish how brain differences relate to cognitive difficulties in childhood
  • how can the same pattern of neural deficits result in different cognitive profiles across children?


  • cognitive data from children with and without diagnoses were entered into an unsupervised ML algorithm called an artificial neural network – which preserves information about profiles within the dataset, captures non-linear relationships, and allows for measure to be differentially related across the sample. ideal method to use with transdiagnostic cohort.

  • to determine how brain profiles relate to cognitive profiles, the same ANN was applied to whole-brain cortical morphology data

  • Artificial neural network: cognitive data (z scored): age standarization mean and standard deviation from each assessments

  • specific type of network: self-organizing map - this algorithm represents multidimensional datasets as a two-dimensional map.

  • Cognitive profiles are robustly related to children’s learning ability, so a good test of whether the network can reliably represnt individual differences in cognition is to test whether it will generalize to unseen data and predict children’s learning scores.

  • Mapping brain profiles:

  • Whole-brain cortical morphology metrics (cortical thickness, gyrification, sulci depth) were calculated for each child across a 68 parcel brain decomposition.

  • Feature selction was performed before machine learning to reduce the risk of over-fitting with so many measures.

  • LASSO regression reduced the number of indices down to 21 distint measures


  • summary of results:
    • hold out CV revealed that cognitive profiles learned using ANN generalized to unseen data and were sig. predictive of childrens’ learning difficulties
    • similarly, hold out CV showed that brain profiles generalized to unseen data and a child’s age-corrected brain profile was sig predictive of age-normed cognitive profile.
  • there were no one-to-one mappings: one brain profile could be associated with multiple cog profiles and vice versa
  • also, researchers found that the more central the hubs to a child’s brain organization, the milder or more specific the cognitive impairments. when these hubs were less well embedded, children showed the more severe cognitive symptoms and learning difficulties.
  • children’s brain profiles predict their cognitive profile.

What is the artificial neural network learning?

  • is it learning about the severity of a particular set of brain values, or whether it had learned to identify peaks and troughs in individual profiles?