Week 61
02/19 - 02/23:
- Finish CHOP results (prep for next Monday’s meeting)
- Met with Aaron about geospatial analysis - worked on google collab using new libraries: folium, geopandas, us, census
- Couldn’t connect to arcus today, haven’t been able to transfer results to local machine, hopefully will be resolved over the weekend
- Reworked research proposal for HHMI application, finished:
- Finish write-up of reading results and send to Ola
- Didn’t get to finish write-up, but models have been run
- If there’s time, work on ADHD paper
- there wasn’t time..
- Review SPR draft from co-authors
- finished SPR draft, reviewed and sent edits/comments
- Reran glm on cerebellum data
- need to check
- Check status of ABCD derivatives with Aaron, Debbie, Alina
- touch base with Alina about ABCD phenotypic data – optionally run some ML models for her