Week 60

02/12 - 02/16:


  • Write-up latest round of results of reading impairment analysis and send to Ola
    • didn’t get to finish this as OpenMind was down later part of week so couldn’t access notebooks
  • Update Sheeba + Katerina on analysis plans for developing cerebellum project, edit working doc
  • Started writing up CHOP results and propose paper outline (think we have enough now for a first paper)
    • Touch base with Aaron about geospatial analysis, provide relevent zip codes. Figure out if we need any more information from the U.S. census
  • Make progress on narrative + research proposal sections of HHMI application
    • will be working on this more next week. app is due Feb. 28th
  • Finished transfer of cerebellum learning data from google drive and re-run glm (generate new contrasts)
  • Wrote draft for SPR paper on precision medicine - sent email to team reminding them of Feb. 28th deadline.
  • Wrote 500 word research statement and emailed WIN proposal form to Charlie Stagg for Wellcome Trust Application