Week 47

11/02 - 11/03

Done and To Do

  • Started back working officially yesterday (Nov. 2nd)
    • Spent most of the day yesterday reorganizing code base for HBN and reading project
    • Need to rerun some models before sending next set of results to Ola from Gablab - want to get this project off my desk asap
  • I’ve been meeting on-and-off with Yibei during my leave to work on ADHD + neuroimaging project
    • Meeting with her today to go over preliminary results and to write OHBM abstract
  • Over the next 3 weeks (before CHOP meeting) - I’ll be working on this project.
    • Next week, I’m meeting with Elina to touch base on lab 2 – I will need to bring over code from lab 1 to lab 2. Not sure yet how much of the codebase will need to be restructured.
    • I’ll also touch base with Harsha about LLM and lab 1, and whether there are any embeddings that we can use for modeling of BHS data.
  • During my leave, I didn’t have much of a chance to code/write (turns out newborns are very demanding…) but I had some time to think about current and future projects. I’ve detailed some of those thoughts here


  • Could we set up a biweekly meeting? For the month of November, I plan on being in person on Tuesdays and Fridays (although I’ll try and take meetings in person so could vary), otherwise I can meet remotely any time.