Week 44

06/19/23 - 06/23/23

Done and To Do

  • Worked on CHOP project on arcus until Thursday
    • preprocessed precovid data. need to harmonize precovid + postcovid data but first need insight into how data are created (are different questionnaires used etc?)
    • access to arcus was revoked on thursday, arranged meeting with scott to figure out how to resolve issue
  • Met with kseniia on tuesday to discuss item analysis project that we’re doing with Kai (summer UROP), brainstormed some ideas:
    • construct search on HBN data that can be generalized to other datasets
    • identify unique cognitive profiles for each participant and compare question + response data
  • Worked with Kai on item analysis project, all notebooks are saved in this github repo
    • aim is to have Kai present his results at the end of his summer UROP (mid-August)
  • Didn’t work on ADHD + gender paper this week as much as I anticipated, hopefully will get to it next week
    • Instead, I had to rework review paper this week. First draft submitted to journal here