Week 43

06/12/23 - 06/16/23

Done and To Do

  • Writing this week:
    • Finished review paper (submitted to journal)
      • notes and outline here
    • Made a bit of progress on sex differences + ADHD paper (will focus on this paper more next week)
  • Worked with Kai on training new BERT models for clinical questionnaires
    • I initially shared an example notebook on topic modeling, drawing heavily from this great tutorial, and he updated it with improved results (identified more meaningful topics for embeddings). Next week, he’ll start analyzing the response data.
  • Meetings:
    • Harsha - Quorto overview
    • Scott - overview of BHS questionnaires administered pre-covid and during covid
    • Amanda + Shruti - discussed planned project on ADHD + Professions (they are doing something similar)
    • Set up meeting with Ola from gablab on predicting reading impairment from HBN (she is working on something similar and wants to discuss some of the results that I presented at this week’s gablab meeting)
  • Presented at Gablab meeting, presentation here
  • Updated webpage that keeps track of current and former urops
  • Updated webpage that keeps track of recent presentations I’ve given
  • Completed annual review (only accessible to Satra)