Week 41

05/29/23 - 06/02/23

Done and To Do

  • Working on ADHD + sex differences paper
    • Generated new topic modeling figures for ADHD sub-types
    • Built a model on CBCL questionnaire from ABCD dataset to test whether HBN results replicate
    • Built models separately across age for HBN data, too few samples for many ages across males and females so trying to figure out a way to bucket age groups
    • Finished methods section
  • Tested preliminary model on pre-covid CHOP data (borrowing heavily from HBN pipeline), still some data wrangling to do - will have some models ready for next CHOP-MIT meeting + will write up documentation on modeling process if someone else wants to take over part of this project while I’m away on maternity leave.
  • Writing an invited review for “Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences” and the topic is “Role of the Cerebellum in Cognition and Behavior”
    • Documenting my process here