Week 38

05/08/23 - 05/11/23

Done and To Do

  • Monday: Conference Prep (adding in slides for supp. materials)
  • Tuesday: spent all day at the ICoN retreat (didn’t take any notes unfortunately but had lots of interesting conversations)
  • Wednesday: UMAP on data, filtering by diagnoses with the goal of identifying how well responses (rather than questions) group into meaningful clusters (answer not as much as the questions themselves!). Preprocessing of ABCD phenotypic data
  • Thursday: spent the day at the Picower conference “social and environmental determinants of child mental health”
    • really fascinating conference bringing together a diverse group of speakers: environmental epidemiologists, clinical psychologists, native american scholars. Notes here
    • connected with Ran Rotem - he gave great talk on environmental epidemiology and big data: using EHR to infer environmental contributors to autism (focus on hypothryoidism). I’m interested in the approach (and the datasets) with a specific focus on cerebellar injury during prenatal stage or first 3 months post-partum and later diagnosis of ASD.
  • Friday: Mostly meetings today + continuing to preprocess ABCD data