Week 36
04/24/23 - 04/29/23
Done and To-Do
- Meeting with CHOP folks, high-level summary on some of the data available to us in this presentation and summary of 04/24 meeting here - fyi, only satra has access to these links because of potential privacy issues.
- Finalized methods section for ADHD + sex paper
- Submitted batches of subjects to fMRIPrep + XCP scripts for HBN subjects on OpenMind (a few more days to process all)
- Submitted SUIT scripts on all HBN subjects who had fMRIPrep derivatives (a few more days to process all)
- Added recursive feature elimination from scikitlearn to HBN models
- CHOP project: did more data exploration and worked on some technical stuff in conjunction with Scott
- BHS data will be added in the next few days - he’ll notify me when it’s there
- spent time exploring sql commands, I’m starting out with pretty basic knowledge
- Did some topic modeling for HBN clinical questionnaires
- Wrote and submitted recommendation letter for RA
- Hired an RA to work on item analysis project over the summer. They received UROP funding: 40 hrs a week for June and July
- Still to do: run ABCD models exploring ADHD + Sex question (generalizing from HBN data)
- Still to do: review student proposal for thesis committee