Week 21


Done and To-DO:

  • Worked on item analysis of HBN questionnaires using sentence transformers
    • example notebook here: HBN item analysis
    • to-do: between-questionnaire comparison, calculate similarity between questionnaires
  • Worked on ADHD + profession question - did a deep dive into biobank phenotype data, almost finished “data wrangling” stage
  • Working with Alyson on ADHD + gender differences question. She has done an extensive literature search on ADHD + gender and she has found that:
    • “Overall: There doesn’t seem to be many comprehensive papers about which measures are most useful in identifying ADHD populations even when not limiting for gender. Overall, even more general papers only examine a few measures, or they focus on a subset (rating scales, neuropsych testing, tasks). Also, these generally seem to focus on adults/young adults rather than children”
    • Next steps: Alyson is going to draft a results section and I’ll continue doing analyses on this question
  • Continuing to amend pipeline for fMRI analysis of HBN data, focusing specifically on connectivity analyses.
    • to-do: test out different approaches on subset of HBN participants