Done and To-Do
- Working with Alyson (Wellesley RA) and Lexi on a potential collaboration exploring the adaptive traits of ADHD.
- questions we’re exploring:
- What is the relationship between ADHD and profession choice?
- What professions are seen as “creative” (organizational psych)
- How does race/SES/gender play a role in these issues?
- What role does IQ and severity of ADHD diagnosis play in all of these factors?
- working with Lexi to get access to phenotypic data on UK Biobank to explore ADHD in an adult population
- set-up a predictive modeling workflow that can now flexibly take in any combination of measures from the HBN dataset and predict a number of target variables github repo. worked on documentation of repo to take it easier for RAs to access data and run models, also wrote-up openmind tutorial here