Done and To-Do
- Meeting with Jaan about ClinicalBERT, notes here.
- We chatted about:
- building dashboards for predictive models that can help clinicians (e.g. displaying the data using
- simple models that can help detect features predictive of suicide attempt
- longer-term strategy for deploying models that work across EHR data structured in different ways, in different health systems
- To Do: connect with people at CHOP about OMOP common data model
- Spoke with Thea Singer about a profile for the Rappaport Foundation proposal
- Updated phenotypic models with feature and permutation importances. Notebook is here
- still having difficulty loading the images – need to figure this out.
- Put together a short proposal/presentation for CHOP meeting, will present in Monday meeting
- Training and test data for predictive modeling: all participants or filter for particular disorders?
- Can we ask CHOP collaborators for more unstructured data for clinicalBERT model?