Week 4


  • Build boilerplate ML pipeline for building predictive models (tested so far on behavioral features from HBN)
  • Cross-referenced pipeline with pydra-ml to determine that similar steps are being implemented
  • Summary analysis on clinical diagnosis and demographics from HBN to determine adaquete sample sizes for cerebellar fingerprinting paper
  • First pass using UMAP unsupervised learning on child measures (cognitive testing, physical fitness features etc.)
  • Research on methods, focusing mostly on these three papers:

To Do

  • Try UMap in supervised mode to identify unique patterns in phenotypic data
  • Questions to address:
    • Within HBN assessment battery, which tests are most useful? (how does this vary across disorders?)
    • can further subtyping of individuals be done based on patterns in behavioral/cognitive assessments? (especially for 200 people who were not diagnosed due to an incomplete evaluation)
    • what is the reliability in the KSADS assessment across child and parent measures?
  • Test python implementation of SUIT on subset (n=10) of hbn participants (T1w + T2)
  • Perform VBM to measure local changes in structural abnormalities, following methods steps implemented in this paper - correcting for brain size etc.


  • Don’t yet have access to LORIS, will follow-up with Lindsay after labor day weekend
  • CHOP Meeting - ask Satra to send email to folks there to set-up meeting sometime in Sep.?
  • Remind Satra to provide info about other project that we forgot to discuss in our 09/01 meeting
  • I’m happy to be included in other projects (meetings etc.) if any seem like a good fit for my interests/skills
  • Set up weekly meetings w/Satra on Wednesdays
  • I would like to recruit 1-2 undergrad students through UROP - can I hire for pay or academic credit alone?
  • I requested edit access to sign up for a lab meeting slot: I’m thinking either end of this month or beginning of oct. I guess the neuroimaging subgroup would be most appropriate but perhaps also knowledge engineering as the meeting will be soliciting feedback about project ideas. Let me know what you think.